
Kandikrush Healthcare


Kandikrush Herbal Capsule For Women 400mg

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PID(Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)

UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

Tubal Blockage due to infection or Hydrosalpinx.

Other conditions beneficial to Kandikrush treatment are Ovarian cyst, Hormone imbalance, Peptic / Gastroduodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids and Rheumatoid arthritis. There are some proven benefits of kandikrush capsules in reducing non-calcified fibroid nodules in some patients presenting with uterine fibroids.





Oregano Extracts : 150mg

Cleome Viscosa : 100mg

Commelina Benghalensis : 150mg


Oregano : This plant is enriched with vitamins and  contains potent antioxidants. It has anti-bacterial properties and is helpful in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, menstrual cramps and urinary tract disorders.


Cleome Viscosa : In traditional system of medicine the plant is reported to possess beneficial effects as an antiseptic, anthelmintic, febrifuge, hepatoprotective,antimicrobial, analgesic , anti-inflammatory  and immunomodulatory activities.


Commelina Benghalensis :   C. Benghalensis is being used for the treatment of female infertility for a long time in folklore medicine.  C.Benghalensis contains resins, balsams, flavonoids and tannins.

It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-tumor properties.



Kandikrush capsule is very sensitive to Candida albicans and gram negative bacteria such as:Escherichia Coli, pseudomonas aueroginosa, Neisseria gonorrheae,chlamydia trachomatis . Kandikrush capsule is moderately sensitive to gram positive bacteria such as staphylococcus aurues and streptococcus pneumoniae.The ability of kandikrush capsule in clearing reproductive system diseases makes it easier for TTC mothers to achieve pregnancy.



Take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening (10-30 mins before meal) or as prescribed by your physician.






Recommendation: 4 bottles of kandikrush capsules taken 2 capsules morning and 2 capsules evening 10-30 mins before meal for 60 days (2 months). Ensure treating your sexual partner with at least 2 bottles of kandikrush capsule if he has no symptoms of infection. If he has symptoms of infection like discharge from penis, itches, rashes or  boil at the private part or lab indicated presence of the infection in the partner he must have full treatment course with 4 bottles of kandikrush capsule .There should be no  sex at least for the first 30 days of the treatment or use condom .

* Some chronic pid may require taking between 4 to 8 bottles of kandikrush capsules before full resolution. Post treatment repetition of pelvic ultrasound scan to assess the treatment success is recommended.



Recommendation : 3 bottles of kandikrush capsules taken 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening 10 -30 mins before meal for 45 days. Target having sex from day 9 to 15th of your cycle for every 2 days. That’s day 9, 11, 13 and 15th. Day one is the first day of menstrual flow.


HIGH PROLACTIN ( Breast Milk Discharge) :

Recommendation :4  bottles of Kandikrush capsules taken 2 capsules morning and 2 capsules evening before meal for 2 months .

*Avoid regular examination of the breast to assess discharge , avoid sucking of the breasts by  partner.Examination of the breast to assess discharge should be 3 to 4 weekly interval during treatment .Treatment could be intractable if one experiences yellowish type of breast discharge but fully responsive to medication if milky or clear breast discharge.



Recommendation : 4 bottles of Kandikrush capsules taken 2 capsules morning and 2 capsules evening 10-30 mins before meal for 60 days.Is  advised to avoid sex during the first one month of the treatment or to use condom to avoid conceiving when the tubes are not fully unblocked for one not to be victim of ectopic pregnancy OR miscarriage.  Target having sex from day 9 to 15th of your cycle for every 2 days. That’s day 9, 11, 13 and 15th. Day one is the first day of menstrual flow.


Kandikrush works very well for tubal blockage caused by infections/hydrosalpinx . For tubal blockage caused by surgical scarifications formed due to past surgeries like ovarian cyst surgery , fibroid surgery , laparoscopic examination ,this medication does not clear such as well as old scarification tissues caused by chronic pid.




Recommendation: 4 bottles of kandikrush capsules taken 2 capsules morning and 2 capsules evening 10-30 mins before meal for 60 days.Allow 3 to 4 weeks after medication for seized period to flow .



Kandikrush capsule works very well for Simple Ovarian cyst/Follicular cyst,Hemorrhagic Ovarian cyst, Complex Ovarian cyst /adnexal masses of various sizes. However dermoid type of ovarian cyst does not respond well to treatment  hence surgery should be opted for such case then we can treat to prevent recurrence. Before starting treatment is important to have an abdominopelvic ultrasound scan not older than a month . A repeat of the scan after the first 60 days of medication is advised to monitor treatment progress. .

Recommended dosage for ovarian cyst /adnexal masses is 6 bottles of kandikrush capsules taken 3 capsules morning and 3 capsules evening before meal for 60 days. Kandikrush can reduce ovarian cyst between 2-6cm within 60 days and can reduce non calcified fibroids between 1-4cm within 60 days treatment. However little or no effects may be noticed in fibroids bigger than 5cm .




-Kandikrush Capsule is For Adult Use Only

-Avoid treatment once pregnancy is achieved as this may induce another menstruation and could trigger miscarriage. However we have no clinical studies about it’s abortifacient action.

– Do not take Kandikrush capsules with folic acid, vitamin,supplements or hematinics (Blood capsules) as well as other products not recommended by your physician. Combining this product with folic acid may cause delayed /missed period .

– Avoid the use of milk, coconut during medication period.

– Avoid high sugar drinks and alcoholic drinks .

– Avoid consumption of Native chalk/White chalk ( NZU in Ibo)

– For Fibroid clients is advised to reduce the intake of carbohydrate rich foods such as rice and avoid white bread.

-Avoid fatty foods if you have fibroid.



  • Increased urinary frequency for first 3 to 5 days of treatment due to its detoxification properties
  • May cause headache/sleepiness if overdosed(> 3 capsules in a dose)
  • There could be colicky abdominal pain in some patients with fibroid /ovarian cyst due to the degeneration processes of the fibroid tissues and shrinking of cyst.
  • There could be prolonged period up to 14 days which rarely occurs in some fibroid patients due to fibroid degeneration.
  • Kandikrush capsule may cause bulky stool and mild laxation first few days of treatment.
  • May increase libido and appetite.







In cases of reproductive system infection, tubal blockage or  hydrosalpinx /excess fluid in the tubes, there could be vaginal discharge which can be yellowish,brownish, watery, greenish or bloody during the treatment period..

  • For Clients with Ovarian cyst: a reduction in the size of Ovarian cyst >2cm within 60 days treatment course is an indication of good prognosis. A reduction in the size of fibroid more than 1cm within 60 days treatment course is an indication of good treatment prognosis.
  • Patients with fibroid may experience brownish/bloody discharge with or without clots during or before period.