• Ovulation Disorders which affect the release of eggs from the ovaries.
• Hormonal disorders such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hyperprolactinemia /Breast discharge due to excess prolactin hormone, Estrogen /Progesterone imbalance)
• Abnormal Thyroid Hormones (Hyper/Hypothyroidism ) can affect ovulation
• Uterine or cervical abnormalities such as polyps in the cervix or uterus, Endometriosis, fibroids &Ovarian Cysts, Tubal Blockage, and Adhesions due to Pid /Pelvic inflammatory disease, Ashermans Syndrome.
• Incomplete abortion /miscarriage, Semen Flow Back (Sperm Withdrawal ) , surgical scars in the uterus.
• Others: Diabetes & Hypertension, Anxiety &Depression