
Kandikrush Healthcare


  • Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary, into the fallopian tube. It typically happens about 13–15 days before the start of each period (1). Like the period, the timing of ovulation can vary cycle-to-cycle, and one may have the odd cycle where ovulation does not occur at all. During ovulation the egg is ready to be fertilized by the sperm for conception to take place. Ovulation cycle usually last 12-24 hrs and the egg will regress. See the image below to see how fertilization and implantation processes take place
  • Usually one of the eggs in the ovary matures as a dominant follicle which awaits for fertilization by sperm for conception to take place. Average women with 28 days cycle usually ovulate mid cycle which is day 14. The first day period started is know as day 1 and for  TTC mothers  ( Trying to Conceive Mothers ) is ideal to target having sex from day 9 to 15th for every 2 days that’s day 9,11,13 and 15th . This period is known as fertility window period when ovulation can occur in a cycle pattern of 21- 35 days .This means if one has for a example shorter cycle like 21 days cycle ovulation can occur mid cycle which is day 10/11 or anytime within the fertility window and once sperm cell is available in the fallopian tube it can meet the egg for fertilization to take place provided the tube is not blocked.